Thursday, March 1, 2012

Finally Finished!

I am so happy to report that I am finished with the baby blanket! God was gracious to me and gave me ample time to crochet while waiting for appointments this week. I definitely needed to see the "silver lining" while waiting. I love the way the blanket turned out. As you can see in the pictures the answer of what edge was an easy one, I started to do the one in the pattern simply because I was at my appointment and didn't have access to the one I wanted try. While doing the first round of single-crochets I realized that I wasn't going to have enough yarn. I continued with the single-crochets and was able to complete the entire edge of the blanket. I considered buying more yarn, but that was a one-pound skein and I wouldn't need that much and just couldn't justify spending the money on it when I have a ton of yarn at home. When I sat back and looked at the blanket, I realized that I really liked the way it looked as it was and it didn't need more of an edge! I'm very excited to give it away. I'm also happy that it was such a conversation starter everywhere I took it. This pattern was an eye-catcher for many people. I love the way crocheting and knitting open doors for conversation! I loved the pattern, it was well written and easy to follow, have chose to crochet it in a solid color from a one-pound skein I had very little "finishing" to do just weaving in my start tail and end tail. I would like to try it with a color change at a future date.
On the diet front; I've been encouraged to look into anti-inflammatory diets. I'm currently reading "Gene Smart" by "Ski" Floyd Chilton. He co-authored Made to Crave the Action Plan and is very research based. My family is having the "ugh" response to another change in meal plans. I'm continuing with the bible study and loving it, finding myself at an appt and finished with the blanket, so I had time to read. Can you tell I spent a lot of time waiting! :) I'll keep you updated on meal plans. I'm struggling with inflammation in my body and I need to get it under control, I'm choosing to do as much naturally as I can, especially because many of the medications can adversely affect my weight!
Have a great Crochet day!


  1. Elaine! You visited my blog about crocheting I am visiting yours! I love your blanket! I take my bag with me too to the kids dentist's appointments and it usually starts a conversation too. Much luck to you with your inflammation problem. I struggled through an inflammatory muscle disease several years ago, but 5 years later, it's under control with minor lasting effects.

    Take care!
